Audi A4 Retrim in Leather & Alcantara
Here we have Henry Gilberts Audi A4 Retrim in soft black Napa Leather and Light gery Alcantara with Red stitch. This is one of my fovorite Audi A4 Retrims I have done, keeping it very subtle with an OEM+ finish. Complementing the Red paint perfectly.
Henry chose a vertical pleat pattern in his Audi A4 Retrim which helps with the OEM+ look, its not too over the top and is found in other cars from factory.
The red stitching sets off against his red paint bringing the outside, in and ties the whole car together.
The car recently picked up 12 of the best a the huge VAG show that is Edition 38
Give Henry a Follow on instagram to keep up to date on his plans with the Audi A4 @Henry81